Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The days are longer....but getting easier....

Well, things are going pretty good lately. Except that I am dealing with a possible Identity Theft =( This process is super long and annoying and wish this man would leave my identity alone!!!!
Work is going good, I worked six days this past week, this is my only day off, and then I work six more. I don't mind, the money is good.

ALSO! I am doing this commercial for my uncle that will be broadcasted on YouTube. (I know, I will now be a youtube movie star, pathetic right?) I will be rather embaressed about it, but hopefully it will be alright. haha. Anyways, just a quick update to let everyone who actually reads this (Like my cousins fiance, colen mae!!!) I'll post soon!

1 comment:

Colen Mae said...

Thanks Jen, I know you can handle the trials in life, it's normal and that's the biggest challenge in life on how to deal trials in our everyday life and it makes you a better and stronger person and I will pray for you.